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Rattles - Again!
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Posted 5/5/2006 3:29 PM

Date registered: Dec 1899
Rattles - Again!

The last few days have been excelllent in the UK so have been driving with the top down .

However I've ntoiced a few rattles coming from just behind my right shoulder. The odd thing is that the rattles come and go . It seems to be worse when accelerating or stopping but is also there over bumps. Sounds like something rattling against the metal panels but very difficult to pinpoint. Seems to occur when the roof is lowered. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it isn't. I also think it's coming from both sides of the car but obviously hard to hear from passenger side.

I'm pretty sure it's not the door latches which used to be cause for complaint. It's really annoying when it happens cause the rattle is very distracting . Tempted to take it to the dealer but as it's not constant, they'll probably not find anything .

Anyone with similar rattles which they have been able to identify and fix?
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Posted 5/5/2006 3:41 PM

Date registered: Dec 1899
RE: Rattles - Again!

Andy, I've only had my car two weeks, but I seem to notice rear suspension noise when going over bumpy pavement. The biggest rattles I've found are from the sun visor, when it is pivoted to the side. The first time I heard it, I thought the car was being shaken to bits. I'm going to try weekend or evening driving with the radio off, to try to pinpoint the source of any suspension noise, etc. It can definitely be frustrating at times! Dinoman
#9102 - in reply to #9095
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Posted 5/5/2006 6:12 PM

Date registered: Dec 1899
RE: Rattles - Again!

andy, check the little doors that the roof hinges come out of when the top comes up and down. they are in the area u describe. if you tap on them when the top is down, they make a noise. i wound up putting 2 little pieces of rubber under them and i have no more noise. wish i could describe the location better.
#9158 - in reply to #9095
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Posted 5/5/2006 10:23 PM

Date registered: Dec 1899
RE: Rattles - Again!

can you take a pic of where exactly you put the rubber pieces.
cos.. if you put them in the wrong place.. you could maybe stop the sliding of those parts properly
#9257 - in reply to #9158
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Posted 5/6/2006 6:00 AM

Date registered: Dec 1899
Re: Rattles - Again!

I suspected those doors may be the cause. As you say, they do make a rattle when you tap them with your finger. I'll try and experiment next week and see if I can pinpoint the noise. On examing those doors, I was surprised that they didn't have rubber stops on the bottom.

Thanks for the info.
#9364 - in reply to #9095
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Posted 5/6/2006 7:08 AM

Date registered: Dec 1899
Re: Rattles - Again!

da_nailgun, this is the best for a picture i can do. there is a little lip around those hinges (doors). i placed a little strip (maybe 5/8 in by 1/4 in) of self-adhesive furniture felt pads (the kind that go on the legs of furniture that keep them from sliding/scoffing the floor) on each side of the lip. wal-mart or other hardware stores sell them. you only need one side as the hinge is attached on the other side. the self adhesive of course makes it stick and if you do want to remove it, they come off real easy. i had used the same felt pads around the locing mechanism of the door lock for previous noise..

Edited by jbanks15 5/6/2006 7:21 AM


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#9370 - in reply to #9095
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