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PointedThree :  Roadster Forums : R171 SLK Class : (In)Flexible Service System

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(In)Flexible Service System
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Posted 5/2/2006 9:02 AM

Date registered: Dec 1899
(In)Flexible Service System

I don't know what other members' experiences have been with the Flexible Service System. My SLK is too new to register anything as yet. My '98 E 320 normally counted down pretty much mile-for-mile, so I must have been an average driver. Additionally, I drove the car year-round. Last fall, my '04 SL 500 still had low mileage, and the FSS indicated no service for many miles. Because I had had the car about 16 months, I asked the service manager if I should change the oil before storage, or if I could wait until spring. He told me that I could wait. I drove the car for the first time on Saturday. I disconnected the battery tender, reset the dome light, etc., and was mainly concerned that the decklid would close fully and lock (last year they replaced a pump with a newer design after the trunk wouldn't fully close, and the top wouldn't operate). Everything was fine, but when I turned the key, I saw the wrench icon and a message something like " Service interval exceeded by 95 days." Wow, I didn't know that these cars could count! Dinoman
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Posted 5/2/2006 9:26 AM
ianx, manchester

Date registered: Dec 1899
RE: (In)Flexible Service System

In the UK, the FSS system knows it has to request a service to be performed at least every 2 years.
so if you're a high mileage driver, you'll see the 'miles to go' type of prompt.
If you are a low mileage driver, you will within 24 months suddenly be given a coutndown of how many days remaining until next service due.
#7025 - in reply to #7021
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Posted 5/2/2006 9:46 AM

Date registered: Dec 1899
RE: (In)Flexible Service System

Ianx, That must be almost spot-on, as my SL was built in May, '04. Thanks for the explanation. By the way, thanks again for the PM about Pointed Three. Dinoman
#7030 - in reply to #7025
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Posted 5/2/2006 10:05 AM

Date registered: Dec 1899
Re: (In)Flexible Service System

ian, my slk350 was exactly 16 months and 2300 on the clock when the service became due (B), I moaned to the service dept and they said that they had been told that 12 months was the new time, but there again they said it had always been 18 months which I knew was wrong my slk230K always went to 2 years before it was called in.

#7037 - in reply to #7021
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Posted 5/2/2006 11:08 AM
ianx, manchester

Date registered: Dec 1899
Re: (In)Flexible Service System

gary350 - 5/2/2006 3:05 PM

ian, my slk350 was exactly 16 months and 2300 on the clock when the service became due (B), I moaned to the service dept and they said that they had been told that 12 months was the new time, but there again they said it had always been 18 months which I knew was wrong my slk230K always went to 2 years before it was called in.


thats interesting!
i've had my SLK350 over 18 months (with 6000miles on the clock).
its still not told me anything about going in for a service. I'm expecting 2 years!
#7066 - in reply to #7037
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Posted 5/2/2006 12:10 PM

Date registered: Dec 1899
Re: (In)Flexible Service System

Bought mine 1 aug 04 serviced 7 jan 06 week before date, it is possible that the dealers are working to different timescales would not put it past them.
Went for my test drives last week wanted to find out which car would fit in the garage and drove the best I wanted to drive both ML and CLS 320cdis they gave me a ML350 and a CLS AMG not too happy with them.

#7100 - in reply to #7021
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Posted 5/2/2006 1:11 PM

Date registered: Dec 1899
Re: (In)Flexible Service System

I took my car in for its 1 year checkup at 8000 miles. the dealer forgot to resey yhe service indicator so it now reads that I need Service in 4000 miles. Can i reset this myself or do i have to take it back to the dealer?
#7116 - in reply to #7021
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Posted 5/2/2006 8:48 PM

Date registered: Dec 1899
Re: (In)Flexible Service System

You can reset the FSS counter yourself, although MB probably does not endorse doing your own reset. It's less confusing than programing on old VCR. I don't have the exact steps in front of me, but, it goes something like this:

1) Dash display should be in default position (Speed or Temperature depending upon your preference setting).
2) Key turned to position one.
3A) Press and hold the reset button for about 5 seconds.
3B) OR, for the more advanced options press the reset button quickly three times. When the voltage displays press the down arrow on the steering wheel. The up arrow key may work as well.
4) I think you turn the key to position 2 here (but I am not certain)
5) Use the page up and down or the +/- buttons to move around the service menu until you find the spot to confirm that the service has been done.

Afterwards you have to start the engine to "save" the confirmation.

I would not do this unless you actually got the oil changed at the 1 year "checkup".

Malibuite - 5/2/2006 1:11 PM

I took my car in for its 1 year checkup at 8000 miles. the dealer forgot to resey yhe service indicator so it now reads that I need Service in 4000 miles. Can i reset this myself or do i have to take it back to the dealer?
#7386 - in reply to #7116
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