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Axle Bump-Stop R/R W460
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Posted 5/29/2017 10:16 PM
G-Class DIY Host

Date registered: May 2006
Location: South Texas
Vehicle(s): '04 G55, '80 280GE, '99 S420, '98 E320, 2011 E350
Axle Bump-Stop R/R W460

Well, after being a bit 'Overly-Rambuctious' with the Ol' Bride-of-Frankenstein W460 while driving on a particularly rough off-road situation, I started to hear a slight 'Banging' noise when on our rather rough ON-ROADs here.

Looking in the area of noise generation revealed a Busted Axle Bump-Stop, with the Fixating Bolt slightly banging into the Spring.

Because these "Old-Style" Bump-Stops are no longer available..... an Up-Grade to the 'New-Style' W463 version was necessary.

A few Warnings:

#1- This is NOT the "Specified" Procedure from Mercedes. The 'Official' Repair involves Lowering the Axle, in order to remove the Spring. A bit more work than what I was interested in doing, so this post is a Quicker/Easier Spring Removal Method, IN MY OPINION.

#2- If you DON'T have access to an EXTREMELY HIGH CAPACITY SPRING COMPRESSOR?? ***DO NOT EVEN CONTEMPLATE PERFORMING THIS JOB***. You would be better suited dropping the Axle. Also, **DO NOT USE AN IMPACT WRENCH** Unless your tool is Specifically Certified!!!

The Springs on a G are Very.... VERY HIGH TENSION. Although I was unable to find the 'Exact' value? I WAS able to find an ML SUV spring listed at 18,500 Newtons tension. I'm sure the G is much higher!!

#3- Working with Springs is a **POSSIBLY-FATAL** Undertaking!! If you don't know what you are doing? Leave it to a Professional Shop!!

This post is not intended as a "DIY" Guide, but rather more for 'Entertainment-Value-Only".













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Attachments 11.JPG (51KB - 23 downloads)
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Posted 3/17/2018 8:20 PM
New user

Date registered: Sep 2017
Posts: 1

RE: Axle Bump-Stop R/R W460

Is it possible to post the part numbers of the bump stop parts?
They aren't visible in the pics.

#238749 - in reply to #236194
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